Encouraging the encouragers

September 14, 2019 we held the Bricks and Mortar event in Tyler, Texas where Dr. Ralph Caraway, Sr., Pastor Doug Anderson and Pastor David Dykes shared their life experiences on how they dealt with situations that all pastors and leadership face at one time or another.

Lives were changed and hearts were encouraged as we worshiped together and listened to the testimonies by these great men.

Pastor Doug Anderson

Lead Pastor, Rose Heights Church of God, Tyler, Tx

Dr. Ralph Caraway, Sr.

Lead Pastor, St. Louis Baptist Church, Tyler, Tx

Pastor David Dykes

Lead Pastor, Green Acres Baptist Church, Tyler, Tx

Bricks & Mortar 2020

Bricks and Mortar 2020 is already in the works!
Please pray for us as we move forward to help encourage those in ministry.